Copper Cabling

        OMS Cabling System FAQ
          Category 6 Cable FAQ

OMS Cabling System FAQ

Q36:What is a Star Topology?

Q37:What is an MDF and an IDF?

Q38:What is the difference between different wiring configuration?

Q39:Why are the pairs shuffled around, instead of laid out logically?

Q40:When I should use 568A or 568B or USOC?

Q41:When is Wireless going to replace cabling?

Q42:What is the difference between T568A and T568B wiring schemes?

Q43:What is the minimum separation distance required between power and communication cables?

Q44:Is there a difference between shielded and screened cable?

Q45:There has been some concern recently about "short link resonance".What is it?

Q46:What is component compliance for Cat 6 product?

Q47:What is backwards compatibility?

Q48:What is near-end crosstalk(NEXT)?


Q50:What is ACR?

Q51:What are the Validating Test and the Authentication Test of the cables?

Q52:What is the link of the cables?

Q53:What is the abnormity of the impedance?

Q54:What are the seven steps of 6 categories Cabling System?

Q55:What is the significance of the standard of 6 categories Cabling System?

Q56:What is the standard way of connecting the Twisted Pairs?

Q57:What are the indexes of products of 6 categories that we can not neglect?

Q58:What is the difference between 10BASE-T, 100BASE-T and 1000BASE-T?

Q59:What is a cross-over cable?

Q60:What are the maximum lengths for cables?

Q61:What is EMI and how to prevent it?
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